Trump doesn’t hate a people, he just doesn’t care about them.

Let’s just say, for one minute, that Trump actually thought about other people long enough to care about the LGBT community.

I think that when that community asserts that “Donald Trump hates gays“they are attributing far too much mental energy to him. I think, he couldn’t care less about those people.

Having said that, I would like to have it articulated to me, how their lives have suffered during his administration. What rights that they have been exercising have been revoked, in what way has their day-to-day existence been impacted by a president who supposedly has the energy to ‘hate them’.

And, I would hasten to point out that some people are using Trump’s attempt to eliminate  supreme court rulings on gay marriage and abortion as hating gays and people who abort babies: he wants to throw this back into the laps of the states. He, like me, doesn’t think it should be federally decided what happens in State courthouses. There are enough differences between the way California would run their show, and Texas would run their show, that those big issues should be settled at the state level and the federal government should be worrying about North Korea, and the poor condition of our educational system, and the economy, where to put all the refugees, and budget overruns. Not whether people can get married at the grassroots level.

If Donald Trump really hated gays, he would attempt to pass a law that said that “the LGBT community needs to earn 25% more than the minimum wage Because there aren’t as many tax advantages as there are for people with kids, and many in the LGBT community are sole breadwinner’s..“ And what would immediately happen, is that lawmakers especially Nancy Pelosi, would introduce a law that said that gay people should earn 25% less than minimum wage. Without even thinking. I think it’s an app, on her phone, that just reverses the wording and shoots it over to the House for a token vote.

Which would pass of course, because the majority in the House have an app on their phones, that says “just do what Nancy wants to do.“ Because she’s going to do whatever she wants to do anyway. And as long as Pelosi is impeding the republican conduct of government business, they are all for it.

Fair is fair though. I hope that if Biden wins, the Republicans dig their heels in and vote down every single piece of legislation coming through with the Democratic stamp on it. And if they have to let it through, I hope they tack on enough handouts for their Republican constituency, to make it worth it. Turnabout is fair play.

Author: admin