Vote for Biden?

Vote for Biden?

It’s ironic to me that the children who are voting for free college, are the same ones burning cities, burning flags, spray painting cars with pro Trump stickers on them.

Imagine, protesting American nationalism, burning American flags and then turning around and holding your hand out for the rest of the nation to pay for your college. I had to pay for my college, why should I pay for yours? If you hate America so much why should we pay for your college? 

Burn the flag, and then get a free hand out?

Proof, the kids can have it both ways now. A vote for Biden, is a vote for elimination of statues, paying for flag burners college, and more taxes in $150 trillion tax spending programs over the next 5 to 10 years.

And it could possibly happen, because the media refuses to tell you that President Trump just wants to *replace* Obamacare, not take healthcare away.

Most intelligent people would say “I don’t entirely trust the media.“ And yet when it comes to bad news about Donald Trump, they buy it “hook line and sinker.“

People fail to remember that Donald Trump made arch enemies out of the media when he assaulted their integrity and professionalism in 2015 2016. I would still be angry as well if he treated my profession the same way. The problem is, they are now the people who tell us what we should know about Trump. And they have the upper hand. Especially if you believe them. 

Are they lying about Trump? No. What I have found, in fact checking their stories, is that they are just reporting half of the story. For example, turning over Wade versus row, it’s just to get that “one-size-fits-all decision “off the federal books and handed back to the states to decide for their constituents. Trump believes that what’s good for California may not be very good for Texas. California and Texas would probably fully agree. I kind of agree with Donald Trump, that something that is completely OK with everyone in the state and completely not OK with everyone in another state, should be settled on a state-by-state basis and not with a blanket rule from the federal government.

Author: admin