
Achatina is a completely unpretentious pet, food for which is found in every refrigerator. But snails have a favorite and unloved food. We will talk about how and how to feed Achatina domestic snails in this article.

Achatina are vegetarians, so plants make up the bulk of their diet. First of all, these are raw vegetables, fruits and herbs. Here is a short list of products that should be given to the snail:

From vegetables: beets, cucumber, pumpkin, tomato, cabbage leaf, carrots, sweet peppers, zucchini.

From fruits and berries: pineapple, banana, apple, pear, watermelon, plum, grapes, peach, melon.

From greens: lettuce, clover, parsley, celery.

In addition, a variety of cereal products are useful to the snail: steamed bran and oatmeal, durum wheat bread. You can also give walnuts. Sometimes Achatina will gladly eat boiled unsalted chicken breast.

Before giving food to a pet, it should be prepared in a certain way. Raw greens, vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. The peel should be cleaned so that the mollusk can reach the pulp. It is best to give food in the evening, since Achatina are not active in the afternoon and in the morning, and the food will lie for a long time before the pet eats it.

Remember that Achatina not only eat, but also drink, so there must be a container of water in the terrarium.

Snails are cold-blooded creatures. This means that, unlike mammals and birds, their body does not spend the lion’s share of the received energy on heating itself. Consequently, snails need a little and rarely enough. Give small achatins at least once a day. However, adults can be fed once every 2-3 days, and they will endure a lack of nutrition within a week without any problems. Although, of course, it is better to feed Achatina daily: remove the remnants of old food and put in new ones, as well as renew the water in the drinker.

In nature, Achatina are agricultural pests, which serves as evidence of their unpretentiousness in nutrition. However, there are a few taboos that must be strictly observed. So, under a strict ban, salt and everything salty: sodium chloride is harmful to delicate mollusks. Also, all smoked, spicy and containing spices is strictly forbidden to Achatina. In a word, almost all food from the table is not suitable for a snail.

The next enemy Achatina is citrus. The acid contained in them burns the moist bodies of the snails. And, of course, any industrial “human” food is by no means suitable: sausages, cheeses, snacks, sweets. In addition, you need to be wary of “non-seasonal” plant foods: vegetables and fruits sold in stores are often oversaturated with various fertilizers and can also be fatal to pets. However, the same applies to people: remember how often poisoning happens with watermelons bought before the season.

Clam Nutritional Supplements

The main additional element that should accompany the nutrition of Achatina is calcium. It consists of a shell that grows with the snail. Therefore, the terrarium should always have one of two available sources of calcium: chalk or eggshell. Egg shells should be crushed, and the chalk should be natural, chemically produced varieties will not bring any benefits.

In addition, a lot of calcium is contained in the curd, so from time to time you can treat them to a pet. Some owners give their snails a shell of cuttlefish: it is not only a source of calcium, but also a wonderful decoration for the terrarium.

If your pet shows a persistent addiction to a particular product, do not neglect the opinion of the pet. However, remember that nutrition should be varied and complete. Only in this case your Achatina will be healthy, cheerful and active.
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Sent from Dr Erik Johnson – Veterinarian

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