Automatic Feeder and The Three Reasons You Actually NEED One.

The Quick Read (Download, Read Online, Printable) in two pages illustrated.

This is EXACTLY the Petsafe Feeder WIFI 24 cup model that I used to make this video, and that I use for Ajax. (MY own dog) (Buy One)

Automatic Feeders seemed like something I never needed. They are “new fangled” and I’ve lived without one, since forever.
Except that using an Autofeeder (Buy one) has revolutionized my pet’s management, and that of my customers, in a few important ways.
Me: “What’s Your Favorite Part of Autofeeders?”
Her: “That she doesn’t come and bother me.”
Portion control is a BIG PIECE, because some animals eat SO MUCH and SO FAST that the owners have to buy special “Maze Bowls” or put golf balls in the food bowl so the cat or dog has to slow down. Many owners find that an auto feeder dispensing small amounts of food several times a day prevents gorging-fast and the vomiting is ended.

“Many Small Feedings prevents fast-gorging and throwing up.”

Author: admin