I drove you to every doctors appointment, I paid every bill, I carried health insurance for all of us, paid for Nadiya‘s car, picked up your car payment while your business was taking off, paid for your auto insurance when you couldn’t work, coaxed you off the floor during your PTSD crises over and over and over and over and over and over again. I was kind, and empathetic, and I believe, more supportive than most people, of you, and your daughters. I adopted them for safety reasons before I even knew their middle names. You acknowledged repeatedly that the adoption was for the girls and not for you. I have emails in which you acknowledge that we would have to work around the adoption if we’s split up.
Then, when you spun me black, and left us at Harmony Drive to move in with your abominable, kid-ruining parents, you developed amnesia regarding all of the things I did for you and the girls over five years. And you treated me like an enemy. I did not deserve what you did to me. Now I have years and years of child support to pay for kids I did not father, and adopted for you under your false pretenses.