Middle class tax-payers wonder about welfare. They want drug testing for welfare recipients. They want limits to the amount of time you can be on welfare. But there’s a chilling truth. It has been explained to me, by someone in the nation’s top financial 1%, most tragically, that Uncle Sam gives money to welfare recipients to keep them down. And what I mean is, not committing crimes against the middle class*. Give them just enough rope to hang themselves, nodding off in the projects with a needle in their arm. Explained to me that contributing to the sort of demoralized laziness and inactivity, loss of ambition effectively results in predominantly black-on-black killing and a high incidence of drug-related mortality and morbidity. They throw the dog barely enough bones (but still, enough) to keep it from biting.
*The Middle Class is crucial to the 1% because a large Middle Class will soldier-up to protect their own status-quo. 1% The Haves (Romney, Rockefeller, Greenspan, Buffet, Gates, Jobs, Geffen etc) 49% The Have Nots (the poverty level) 50% The Have-*Enoughs* (middle class) A dwindling Middle Class creates the dangerous polarization into two groups represented by the rare 1% “Haves”, versus a growing percentage of discontented Have-Nots.