Where It’s Hard to be Gay and Importing Folks From There.

I was wondering where in the world were the WORST places to be gay or transgender because based on what I hear the Snowflakes whining about, the United States is by far the worst, with Donald Trump actively campaigning to outlaw the category.
And it’s interesting to read the author of perhaps the best article on this, who writes: “Homosexuality is still a crime in 72 countries (pdf). And even countries with no legal barriers, such as the US, record shocking levels of hate crimes – there were 53 transgender murders from 2013 to 2015 and not a single one was prosecuted, for example. ”

What’s loaded about that is:

That’s not a lot of murders over that many years.

None of those 53 murders was prosecuted IMPLIES that the perpetrators were ‘catchable’ or ‘caught’ and no prosecution was sought or successful.
It could ALSO mean, very easily, that no one figured out the perpetrator, so none were prosecuted.
It implies the US just doesn’t care, and doesn’t prosecute, when in FACT the 25 murders a year in the US were possibly [if not probably] unsolved.

It also strikes me that whether you’re transgender or not, you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or you can be involved in unsavory behavior or activities and catch a bullet or knife, regardless of gender.

It also strikes me that when you blow up or shoot up a night club with LGBT patrons in it*, all 53 deaths could be lumped into the 53 transgender murders as if it was widespread and not a ‘clump’.

*Details on the Orlando shooting: “On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.”

It’s interesting to note (from one of the bibliographic entries: “21 transgender homicide victims so far in 2015, almost all of them transgender women of color.”
I would not have expected that.

1) Iraq
2) Iran
3) Honduras
4) Uganda
5) Russia
6) Egypt
7) Nigeria

Flip that around and look at where most of the refugees to the US come from (Note that this chart documents REFUGEES and not immigrants): (chart)

Then look at actual legal immigration:
“Immigrants from the top five countries of origin – Mexico, India, the Philippines, China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), and Vietnam – accounted for 45.3 percent of all of the foreign born in the United States.”
“More than 1 million immigrants arrive in the U.S. each year. In 2016, the top country of origin for new immigrants coming into the U.S. was India, with 126,000 people, followed by Mexico (124,000), China (121,000) and Cuba (41,000).”

The Snowflakes pick on Donald Trump for being anti-LGBT and I don’t get that. He honestly seems “not to care less” with bigger fish to fry. And just because Paula Deen uttered the “N-word” 20 years ago doesn’t mean she even gives black people a scond thought moment-to-moment or holds them any ill will. And Trump’s attitude is irrelevant unless he’s passing laws on it. And if you look at other major countries literally stamping out LGBT (killing ’em) inside their borders and there are over 70 countries where that’s happening; you appreciate that the WORST thing that happens in the US is that the President makes ignorant COMMENTS?

The Snowflakes (defined: People who react to policy on the way they FEEL and without understanding of cause or consequence. Snowflakes also decry the US government’s acceptance (or lack there of) of refugees and immigrants, especially Muslims which we shouldn’t discriminate against as refugees. Which is surprising, considering when the Muslims (according to Pew) are often the hardest to live with as a gay or LGBT person. Like, as a community can be homicidal about gays. See statistics on the cultural behavior / attitude of refugees from Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Syria.
Countries that hate gays but are also represented highly in the people coming to the USA. Be nice to them, they need to be allowed in. Without thinking about the fact that in certain urban areas they’ll be dodging items thrown at them or worse, while walkigng their dogs.


Author: admin