When you say “Death to America!” and then get deported.

So this Iranian college kid got deported. The anti-America-corrosive ACLU (Read: No christianity in the public eye, but don’t tread on Muslim rights to be in the public space) and Elizabeth Warren (as well as Irans foreign PM) think international law* protects his right to agitate like a guy on the ground in Iran, or an American citizen. 
This guy was neither. 
He’s an Iranian non-citizen with a week-old Visa IN America, shooting his mouth off on social media. 
Oh to be 20 again! So foolish.
Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren believes Iranian non citizens with brand new Visas who threaten America on social media should be allowed to stay in America. 
And she gets to run for President?
I hope her ignorant, illogical and feelings-based commentaries are remembered well if she is ever considered to lead America. She’s already a humiliating example of un-discerning thought and lack of appropriate temperance and judgment as a Senator. 
*The Constitution would protect any opinion the kid had, if he were a citizen.

Author: admin