Impeach Nancy Pelosi for Failure to Serve America

Proof that Nancy Pelosi is a senile, old brat, rapidly-dwindling-value career politician.

Imagine Nancy Pelosi at the long table on the United Nations, or in some foreign policy meeting, acting like the self-absorbed, delusional brat she is.

Who elected this person?

Such melodrama. Such a lack of decorum and professionalism. ‘Disinhibited and unaware’, like a lot of the elderly eventually become.

I think Nancy Pelosi gets the nod as the true architect of guerrilla bipartisanship and the crippling of our government:

Her title is “Speaker of the House” but she is only fulfilling her obligations to Democratic leaders, and Democrat citizens. Hampering the other half of the country, deliberately.

Does anyone else see the malfeasance of the person in her job description literally serving only herself, her party, and only half of the American people?



Author: admin