I asked my psychiatrist

My psychiatrist is quite elderly. That has paid considerable dividends as far as experience and ability. And, he is sharp as a tack. I asked him what advice he would give to a younger person coming up in the world. What, perhaps was the most important lesson he would teach or he has learned.
He said I should look at the world perhaps from the viewpoint of an audience, watching what happens like an unfolding story that you don’t steer. Look at it with acceptance for what it is and allow yourself time to focus on what is driving the actors. Even, and especially, when one of the actors is yourself. From a third person perspective.
I thought about that a lot, and I realize what he’s talking about is “acceptance“ and then “mindfulness“
In my life, I’ve had a hard time letting go of the way things “should be“.
I should have had more acceptance. There I go again. LOL
Mindfulness goes to slowing down a little bit and noticing things. Taking a little bit more time to consider what’s going on around me, how things actually are.
Author: admin