Liberal Victim Mentality

I was listening to national public radio.
Actually, I was listening about 11 or 12 times as I pass through the kitchen, my wife leaves NPR on her little radio in there.
And I started to notice something, and it kind of fell in line with some thing I believe.
I noticed, on national public radio, that almost every time I walked into the kitchen it was a small, fearful person talking about how the government is bad because it is not protecting the little guy.
I guess that makes good radio? Why talk about anything else?
It’s usually a woman with a deep voice, or man with a very high voice, talking about the poor treatment of humanity. Always couched in such a way that it looks like it’s the fault of *our* government, because our government isn’t, or can’t stop the problem.
For example, war-torn areas in South Africa being wrecked by Isis forces and genocide.
And the conversations surround what the government isn’t doing. Always to that. Five minutes on what the African government isn’t doing, or is doing. And then a long conversation about how whatever administration is in power at the time, is neglecting, ignoring, miss managing the situation.
And always, government is responsible for dealing with people’s situations.

Which ties into a viewpoint that I have about national public radio Feature writers and reporters, liberals, and all those activists who aren’t really about doing something about things themselves, but stabbing the government for not doing it for them.

Usually educated if only community college.
Living in their parents basement, or grew up in their parents basement until they were 30.*
Badly picked on as children by the other kids. For being gay, different, Even well spoken.
Victim mentality.
Pulling for the underdog and looking for chances to do so.
Imagining the government as the oppressor, the power, the man, I never really giving it credit for a whole bunch of people just trying to do their jobs.

There is a pragmatism, if not necessity, to this. When you have a mortgage, a couple things change from when you lived in your parents basement. If you spent six months in jail for obstructing a cop, your mortgage goes unpaid and you lose your house. When you live in your parents basement, you can get on social media and get a lot of attention and nothing happens to where you live. It can actually be fun. When you have a mortgage, your name is on staff and it matters all of a sudden how are you behave and carry yourself because you have accountability. When you’re being carried by the taxpayer through community college and your parents, and you live in their basement, and all you spend your money on is Xbox games, it’s easy to be generous with your time and your beliefs. More power to you.
My point being, is that living in their parents basement isn’t really a choice among liberal protesters, it’s actually one of the conditions that allows them to be a liberal protesters. They have no societal or financial tethers.

I also think living in your parents basement speaks to something else that shows up with liberal snowflakes, a lot. And that is the whole “self sufficiency“ issue. I think quite a few of the liberal, Democrat, student, protesters exhibit a “live in the basement“ mentality because they are not prepared to, nor will they ever be prepared to take up the mantle of personal responsibility for themselves.
Case in point, their protests are all about pushing Gov’t to do something about a situation. You don’t see them out there trying to sway the vote, canvassing door to door to get people to influence the government process it’s all about stick it to the man because they’re not Doing what we want..

And when the glass is broken, and the last statue has been pulled down, the last bucket of paint has been thrown on the last military memorial, they go home to their Xbox in their parents basement, a job well done.

The irony of the whole situation, that strikes me the most, is that the pink haired backpack carrying basement living Xbox playing ‘acab’ protester, is bashing the police every chance they get. And the police, are *literally* the only reason that conservative country youth haven’t literally killed them. Tied them to their monster trucks and dragged them down dusty lanes out to the country..

Author: admin