A Case For DHEA and Low Carb Feeding

So, I think you should consider what you would read on *KetonaNaturalPetFoods.com* <ketonanaturalpetfoods.com/> The food is *Ketona * Here is my latest on Low Carb feeding. It’s going to be a video, what I am attaching is the script for the video. Preview for you lolololol Doc Johnson I feed Ajax Epigen (*httpss://amzn.to/2UZgnyx* ) but the last time I bought it at amazon.com I found it at a loss-leader price ($16/bag and no shipping) and bought 4+ bags. You may also find it at Chewy.com (*Loss leader pricing here* <www.chewy.com/wysong-epigen-starch-free-chicken/dp/103306>) I think Ketona would be better but even that is crazy-expensive. Feed 1 kitchen measuring cup of the food twice per day. Remember to mix gradually and put water in the new food before feeding. It does not need to soften. He will stop eating for a few days once his body taps into his own fat stores. That is normal but freaks people out. The record for zero-appetite for (any) low carb food has been *five *straight days.
*And then DHEA * You could review the information *here <johnsonvet.com/dheabook/> * and *here* <johnsonvet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/DHEA.pdf>. In Crosby’s case I want you to uptune the amount you give him and give him at LEAST 100mg once a day. You will see in the DHEA Book that that is a conservative dose. I will revise the chart.
DHEA I take: *100mg DHEA-keto-7 caps and 25mg extra of plain DHEA. *
Give Crosby *one a day*. Simple. Probably will notice nothing really (as far as side-effects), except weight loss will be accelerated. He might get a little stronger and move around better. That may be the DHEA or simply declining weight.

Author: admin