Carry On, Johnson!

Living with a Split Personality (Dual Identity Disorder)

The two personalities (or identities) will do things, seemingly unaware of the other.
The Mr. Hyde (Baddie) will do something, and Dr. Jekyll (Good Identity) will report that they “lost time“ meaning, if they’re asked to think about it they don’t know what happened during that time frame.
When Dr. Jekyll finds out what Mr. Hyde did, the (good) Doctor Jekyll tries to rationalize it and make it fit with his reasonable identity. Even fabricating a reality and believing it, as preferable to the unbelievable acts of Personality Two.
Dealing with dual identities shows up a lot of different ways, but it is subtle sometimes.
Personality one may spend a lot of time engaged and loving. But when identity number two appears, she might say things like “you’re a good man“ as if she’s been thinking about it, or unsure, or just re-assessing her prey.
Sometimes, identity number two is a little bit dis-inhibited. More likely to betray her intent. Says red-flag things like “Fake it Til You Make It” without realizing she’s even saying it. (and any smart man might run away). Sadly, I did not. If you get the feeling that something is wrong, chances are, you are right.
In my own personal experience with a loved one with dual identities, one identity was normal, and empathetic.
The second identity had no empathy but was excellent at pretending to possess humanizing traits. Flawlessly. For the second identity, life was just a stage production of emotions being mimed. I suppose you could say that personality one was normal, identity number two was a classic sociopath.
They say the schism is a survival skill for someone who would break as identity one, under circumstances too damaging to survive as a normal, feeling person.
I think its also true that it wasn’t just ‘hiding oneself’ behind identity two. But to survive a violent and demeaning dad. To take the added step of allying herself with, and even impressing him. The development of the second identity (sociopath) to ‘impress’ or just ally with a cold, sociopath dad. Perhaps a way to make the hitting and emotional abuse stop. If you can’t beat ‘em..join ‘em.

Author: admin