Category: Erik Speaks

Just recordings – almost like podcasts but without a shred of decoration.

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The kids

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Doomsday Preppers

Doomsday Preppers are just survivalists, preparing for a nuclear, disease alien or civil apocalypse. Scary. Really scary….

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

Kevin Mayes What a Pussy

Ex football player Kevin Mayes has pinkie severed at the base of the pinkie-fingernail. Still has a…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

Instinct versus impulse

Can they help it? Monogamy and polygamy are instincts I think it can even vary between race….

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Get off the stage

I see a convergence between two things, one is the word “acceptance“ and the other is a…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

Are drivers getting worse these days?

Are drivers getting worse these days? I don’t think so, I just think the number of drivers…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

Bad leaders

Nancy Pelosi Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren These people are in a position of authority, and they are…

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I Wonder

I wonder if the earth is a “subatomic particle“ in size, relative to the whole universe. Or…

Posted in Erik Speaks Laws and Lawyers

Silver Lining to a Miscarriage

“Thank you Mr San Vant!” ”I made a good call! My husband and I lost our baby…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

99% of germs are mysterious

Science has discovered, by discovering the tiny pieces of DNA from bacteria in our brains and muscles…