Category: Erik Speaks

Just recordings – almost like podcasts but without a shred of decoration.

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

The Wall Isn’t For Trump

Coyotes are littering northern Mexico with waylaid bodies and their business grows annually. Thousands of sad lives…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

The Wall Isn’t For Trump

Coyotes are littering northern Mexico with waylaid bodies and their business grows annually. Thousands of sad lives…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized

Mom and Me

This is me and my Mom in Marietta in about 1983

Posted in Erik Speaks Religion? Spirituality?

“We” Is All The Same “Me” and “I” Am Every “I”

<Quietly> “Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but…

Posted in Erik Speaks Uncategorized


Unicode characters for various names and purposes á à ă ắ ằ ẵ ẳ â ấ ầ ẫ ẩ ǎ å ǻ ä ǟ ã ȧ ǡ ą ā ả ȁ ȃ ạ ặ ậ ḁ ǽ ǣ ḃ ḅ ḇ ć ĉ č ċ ç ḉ ď ḋ ḑ ḍ ḓ ḏ é è ĕ ê ế ề ễ ể ě ë ẽ ė ȩ ḝ ę ē ḗ ḕ ẻ ȅ ȇ ẹ ệ ḙ ḛ ḟ ǵ ğ ĝ ǧ ġ ģ ḡ ĥ ȟ ḧ ḣ ḩ ḥ ḫ ẖ í ì ĭ î ǐ ï ḯ ĩ į ī ỉ ȉ ȋ ị ḭ ĵ ǰ ḱ ǩ ķ ḳ ḵ ĺ ľ ļ ḷ ḹ ḽ ḻ ḿ ṁ ṃ ń ǹ ň ñ ṅ ņ ṇ ṋ ṉ ó ò ŏ ô ố ồ ỗ ổ ǒ ö ȫ ő õ ṍ ṏ ȭ ȯ ȱ ǫ ǭ ō ṓ ṑ ỏ ȍ ȏ ơ ớ ờ ỡ ở ợ ọ ộ ǿ ṕ ṗ ŕ ř ṙ ŗ ȑ ȓ ṛ ṝ ṟ ś ṥ ŝ š ṧ ṡ ş ṣ ṩ ș ť ẗ ṫ ţ ṭ ț ṱ ṯ ú ù ŭ û ǔ ů ü ǘ ǜ ǚ ǖ ű ũ ṹ ų ū ṻ ủ ȕ ȗ ư ứ ừ ữ ử ự ụ ṳ ṷ ṵ ṽ ṿ ẃ ẁ ŵ ẘ ẅ ẇ ẉ ẍ ẋ ý ỳ ŷ ẙ ÿ ỹ ẏ ȳ ỷ ỵ ź ẑ ž ż ẓ ẕ ǯ

Posted in Erik Speaks Laws and Lawyers

What is Defamation / Libel / Slander?

Where’s the line? I was approached by someone who maintains that sharing the story of your abuse…

Posted in Erik Speaks Just Bitchin'

Facebook: Offensive Weed

So I was about to log into my GoDaddy account and like so many things online, you…

Posted in Erik Speaks Pets & Hobbies

Protected: How To Make a Guard Dog

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Posted in Broken Hearts & Betrayal Erik Speaks

Carry On, Johnson!

Living with a Split Personality (Dual Identity Disorder) The two personalities (or identities) will do things, seemingly…

Posted in Erik Speaks Religion? Spirituality?

Speaking Their Language and Cosmic Metaphors

Books intended for the masses of people especially for a given time have to be written in…