Frogs and Causality

Once upon a time there was a group of scientists performing an experiment on a frog. There were supposed to be THREE scientists except only two showed up that day for the experiment. Desperate for another even more brilliant mind, they called the kennel club in Missouri and got hold of a dog breeder.

The study had to do with resilience, and what distances each leg contributed to the lengths a frog can jump, also regeneration of limbs, but that’s beside the point. The first part of the experiment was removing one of the front legs. The frogs jump declined by 15%. Under anesthesia they amputated another front leg and when recovered the frogs jump dropped another 15%

The two scientists and the dog breeder all concurred that the decrease in jump length was due to the fact that most of the jump was done with the back legs. So the study continued and they amputated one of the frogs hind legs and the jump distance dropped to a meager 30% of what it was capable of with all four. Finally they removed the last leg. The frog would not jump.

The doctors began to scribble on their clipboards and the breeder asked them, “what are you writing, what are you writing?“
“We are writing down our assessments of course. What’s your assessment?“They asked of the breeder.
“The frog has obviously gone deaf.“

Dog breeders (The ones who have foregone any form of education to do this for a living in Missouri, while sharing their vast knowledge globally via good old boy message forums) are masters of causality. They see something, and they can explain it easily without the hindrance of education, experience, the inconvenience of needing scientific discernment, and even knowing the vulnerability of having to admit that they might not know everything. So it is easy for them to witness something and generalize it into some sort of random fact.

Author: admin