Get off the stage

I see a convergence between two things, one is the word “acceptance“ and the other is a piece of sage advice that I received from an elderly gentleman who is in a learned profession, my doctor Ross Grumet. I asked Dr. Grumet if he had any advice for a younger person staring down the barrel of existential angst and how to live the best possible life, and what had he learned over the many years about “living“. He said, to take a seat in the audience and think of your life as a stage production and look at some of the dynamics from an audience member standpoint, assess what’s going on, and maybe it’ll be objectively clearer what really needs to happen and then you’ll develop a certain sense of acceptance. And there’s that word again, “acceptance“ which comes from the teachings of many prophets, and even my favorite poem, “row row row your boat gently down the stream“ I know in my life, that if I Had Exercised More acceptance I would have wasted less time and money on frivolous things.

Author: admin