Grandpa Died Last Night by Carol Johnson

  • Carol M. Johnson
  • P.O. Box 778
  • Morganton, GA  30560
  • (706)374-6566

Grandpa Died Last Night

Mama told me that Grandpa died last night.   Now I wonder who will drive the boat on the Lake and take us on picnics?   Who will take care of Grandma?  Mama had tears in her eyes when she told me that he died.  This scared me.   I don’t like it when Mama cries.  I didn’t cry.  Mama fixed breakfast real late, and I was hungry.  We had cereal, but Mama forgot about toast.

We went to Grandpa’s house.  Boris met us when we went in the side door, and he licked my face.  He didn’t stay to let me scratch his ears because he was in a hurry to sit at the front window and wait for Grandpa.  Mama said that was sad because Boris doesn’t understand.  Mama asked me to stay in the kitchen.  There were lots of ladies in the kitchen, and I didn’t know a lot of them.  They didn’t talk loud or laugh, but they were nice to me and smiled.  Mama went into the living room where Aunt Mary and Aunt Sue were talking to Grandma and the man from the funeral home.  After the man left, Mama came to get me so I could say “hello” to Grandma.

Grandma looked tired, and her hair was messy.  She smiled a little, hugged my head, but didn’t say anything to me.  Then she just got up and walked back toward her bedroom.  I guess she was going to take a nap.  She looked tired.   Maybe she thought I was in the way.  I wanted to cry, but I swallowed hard and didn’t cry.

The ladies had brought lots of food for Grandma to eat.  Mama said that people often do that when someone dies because it helps the dead person’s family.  Grandma won’t have to cook for a long, long time.  There was a big cake with chocolate icing.  Mama and Aunt Sue seemed to feel better being with the ladies.  I felt better, too.  Aunt Mary went back to Grandma’s bedroom.

Aunt Barb lives in New Mexico and came in an airplane.  She helped us clean out Grandpa’s closet.  He had lots and lots of suits all hanging in a row.  When Aunt Barb took the first suit out of the closet, she got tears in her eyes.  There was a droopy flower pinned on the jacket up near the shoulder.  Aunt Sue looked at all the jackets, and there was a flower on almost every one of them.  Mama cried, too.   Aunt Mary said that Grandpa loved flowers and always wore a flower in his lapel.  Mama said Grandpa was “dapper.”  The flowers didn’t make me feel like crying, but it made me sad for Mama to feel so bad.

We packed up all of Grandpa’s suits into a big box.  Mama said we would give them to someone else who needs them.  She said that since Grandpa has died and gone to Heaven, he won’t need his suits anymore.  Mama said that whatever he needs now, God and the angels would give him new.

Mama said that Grandpa is proud of me for helping put the suits in the box.  I asked her how Grandpa knows that I helped.   Mama said that even though he has died and gone to Heaven, his spirit is still here and will always be with us.  I don’t know what spirit is, but I like it that Grandpa is still proud of me.  He always said he was proud of me.

Since Grandpa won’t need his car anymore and Grandma has a little car of her own, Uncle David is going to sell Grandpa’s.  I like to ride in Grandpa’s car.  He can put the top up or down, and on sunny days takes me for a ride with the top down.  His car is bright red.  I think Grandpa will miss his car, but Mama said that if Grandpa needs a car now, God will give him what he needs in Heaven.   I guess it is all right for Uncle David to sell the car, but I know I will miss riding in it with Grandpa.

I heard Grandma call me from her bedroom.  When I went into her room, she still looked tired and was sitting in her rocking chair.  She asked me to sit on her lap.  I’m not a baby and didn’t want to cry, but I couldn’t stop it.  Grandma held me tight, and we both cried as we rocked back and forth.  She told me that crying when you are very sad, or even if you are very happy, is something that is good to do and doesn’t mean that you are a baby.  In fact, she said that lots of grownups cry, and it is good for them.  We washed our faces, Grandma brushed her hair, and we both felt better.

Mama said all of Grandpa’s friends and family will get together for a funeral, and I can go to the funeral if I want to.  We will say prayers, talk about Grandpa, and be glad that he had such a good life and we were part of it. Grandma said that people will cry at the funeral, but they will not be crying because they feel sorry for Grandpa.  People will cry because they will miss him.  I know that Grandma and I will cry, and I know that we will miss him.

On our way home, Mama smiled and said that Grandpa is enjoying a new adventure now. Grandpa likes adventures.  I wonder if God and the angels have given him a new red car.  I know Grandpa would like it if God gave him a flower garden.

Author: admin