Joe Biden and North Korea

Biden’s foreign policy

Joe Biden is vice president material. He needs a leader to formulate his ideas that he can parent. For example right now, he is just taking the presidents actions and turning them around and calling the opposite action, “his recommendation.“

If he were to become president his source of inspiration would probably become Pelosi.

That’s not what I started writing about.

I feel  that a president Biden, could be counted on to be “asleep at the wheel“ having a very weak sense of nationalism, and subject to the whims of the far left, will probably focus more on kowtowing to gay and refugee rights then actually looking out for the country.

He may even be dumb enough to just rattle his saber at North Korea instead of working on at least a cordial relationship.

I think on his watch, Good old sleepy Joe might miss the signs that North Korea’s thinking about a dirty bomb in the Potomac. 

I feel like, Kamala Harris is going to get what she deserves as far as her career, because I think if they get into office he’s going to look at her and just say “just sit there and nod.“ Because I think his playbook is going to be coming from Nancy Pelosi.

That also bothers me that they are is in my opinion no possible way that we are going to enjoy sleepy Joe Biden for four more years, his competency is already plainly slipping you can see it in his eyes. And it terrifies me to think of how a former California prosecutor is going to act on the global stage being president of an economy, and a history, and a nation. Kamala Harris is a one trick pony. We need a vice president with more than just a condescending smile and Melodramatic words.

It’s far-fetched, but not impossible. That with Biden and Harris in the office, Nancy Pelosi would actually have a halfway decent shot at ascending to the presidency. The speaker of the house is third or fourth in line to the presidency if something were to happen to those heads of government.

Just imagine the trouble the country would be in if somehow Pelosi ended up with a shot at the presidency, and she pulled Hillary Clinton back into the fray. And we had those two whipping the reins of the chariot into the Canyon wall.

Author: admin