Life is Like a Beach

Some Thoughts

Life is like a beach: When you are a child, you can’t wait to get down to the water,

As you grow up you look forward to going to the water and there’s more that you can do with it.

But as you get older, you get used to it and you can stay in the condo while you’re at the beach the whole day and not be in a hurry to be on the sand.

Eventually you’re just happy to be in Florida. The beach is nice but it lacks any of the thrill it was when you were seven.

One day, God says you can’t go to the beach any more and it’s okay, you have been plenty.

I think everybody is inherently the same, limited or distinguishable only by a certain genetic propensity to neuronal density in the brain, information processing and metabolism but past that I think the term that we use “I”, or “me” is the same ‘being” from person to person depending on what their experiences were, whether getting through life has been a situation of survival for success, their opportunities and their traumas.

Also I think that however desperately a human being tries to accommodate the cultural norms can also distinguish them from another version of me or I.


Author: admin