Patients and Doctors Lose, Insurance Companies Win: BIG

Human health care They say the system is broken. And it surely is. Everyone knows this, because they have a hard time getting to the quality of care that they wish they had. They would like to see their doctor of choice, but they are limited by the insurance companies to the doctors in their plan. There had been a change at some point where insurance companies agreed to pay the medical bills of the person buying the insurance. Now the insurance company calls the shots. That was a slick bit of doing. Doctors used to charge what they felt was fair with in the community for what they did and they were well compensated. Their bills were variably high or low, there was no competition. Did you know that it is against the law for doctors to collaborate on pricing? With the advent of insurance companies controlling the doctors compensation, and the patients availability to various forms of healthcare, there has been a disconnect between what is paid, and what is charged. The insurance companies make their money by collecting more money than they paid to the doctor. I’ll repeat that, the insurance companies make their money by collecting more money from the patient then they end up paying to the doctor. And that is where the system is broken. The doctors are getting less, then the patients are paying. The patients are paying more across-the-board then they would be paying directly to the doctors. Do you see that? It’s the basis on which the Insurance Company Prospers. Here is how much so: Doctors are facing declining income’s. One doctor I know earns $1.80 to interpret a set of radiographs, while, in the 70s he would have earned $35. Keep in mind that technology allows him to look at more of radiographs and that was 1970s dollars. To continue to live the way he does, he interprets as many as 600 x-rays a night. He shares a common plight with many doctors in that he is working so many hours he barely gets a chance to enjoy his income On the other side of the coin, there are people who are paying 20% of their net income for health insurance. Some people pay more depending on whether they get sick, and what their deductible is. Most people do not even have insurance. Doctors, hospitals, and the taxpayer, via a well known health care plan currently in place are shouldering an enormous burden placed on them by people living in the United States who have no income, have inadequate income, and or, are here illegally utilizing the system at no cost. And paying no taxes. So, we have expensive healthcare that does not filter down to the doctors. Where is the money going? United healthcare of Georgia turned in profits greater than Microsoft and Apple computer combined. There are many ways of looking at that statistic, some people would say everyone uses healthcare not everyone uses a computer. Some people would say the margins of profit are higher on computers. But my point is that at face value, health insurance companies are turning in profits bigger than almost any other business we are aware of. At night it does not translate into reduced premiums, better payouts to doctors, even better health care. They are still limiting your use of prescription drugs to generics, they are giving their uneducated approval or declines to various prescribed items, they are telling you and the doctors what you are allowed to do in order to safeguard your health and recovery.. The insurance companies are calling the shots. So I will say it again, the insurance companies make their money by collecting more money then they give to the doctors. And they are taking so much money, and paying out so LITTLE money that they are turning in profits never before seen in the history of the world.

Author: admin