Right now

Right now

The only thing standing between statues-and-monuments that have unpalatable histories is Donald Trump. Vietnam was an unjust war. Stone Mountain features slave owners. The Statue of Liberty is a mockery of our current immigration laws. Tear ‘em all down.
Trump: “Nope.”

The only thing between the taxpayer and adding $100 trillion+ to a budget that is *already* largely on credit, is Donald Trump. He has no intention of weatherstripping 4 million buildings. He would be much more likely to reduce a college’s costs (to reduce or eliminate the need for tuition), then to write checks to backpack-wearing-stone-throwing kids.

He doesn’t hate gay people (although that lie serves a particular agenda to say so). Looking into that more closely: He wants federal regulation lifted so the individual states; like Texas, and California, can handle it for their constituency.

I am only guessing that he feels that the pro-life issue should be state-regulated, too. Not federally. So you can say that he is trying to illegalize abortion while pro-lifers say he doesn’t care about babies. But he’s really just trying to push that whole issue into the State’s lap. Because for example; California and Texas would do things very differently and probably be happier.

Trump is right to want to eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with something that makes the insurance companies toe the line. During ObamaCare, in 2017, United Healthcare turned in *profits* greater than Apple and Microsoft combined.

I’m a little worried about casting a vote for Joe Biden because I think he is mentally weak. In the debate the only things he was able to articulate were criticisms of the president, leading each jab with “this guy“ which is just embarrassing, and even getting flustered and calling the leader of the known world a “clown”. It’s too bad that you could expect that from Trump. But with Biden‘s mental fragility, and calling opponents ‘clowns’ could we really expect him to keep it together when arguing with the leader of a Middle Eastern country? How does it go with North Korea?

Like it or not, Trump made friends with North Korea. Why does everyone miss “Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.” Or, “You attract more bees with honey than you do with vinegar.”

Biden says Trump did it wrong. Would he really have “put Kim Jong Un in his place”?

Do you think “The apple falls far from the tree“ when you look at all the things Hunter Biden has gotten himself involved in? If even half of that stuff is true, where did he learn those political wrangling‘s?

Trump was inadequate to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The only way Joe Biden would’ve done better is by listening to Dr. Fauci. Would this have turned out any better? Trumps heart was in the right place trying to send stimulus checks to people and marshaling millions of ventilators and masks to hospitals. If somehow he had kept his mouth shut, there wouldn’t be a lot of stones left to throw at him.

We may not like Trumps stance on immigration but just know, that if we got a Democratic president, the barriers would be gone and the mouths to feed would spiral into the millions. It’s a hard truth that we can’t feed the whole World’s refugees on American soil with American dollars.

Donald Trump is right when he expects our allies to contribute to the cost of their protection and security provided by America. Why *not* put a couple gallons of gas in the Jets protecting your air space?

If they had just left him alone, Trump could’ve gotten Mexico to pay for the wall. It’s true. The Mexican government is understandably unhappy at losing so many expatriates, and even more unhappy taking care of thousands upon thousands of Central American refugees cutting through Mexico while they wait to go across. If there was no prize at the end, they would not be cutting through Mexico from Central America. Right now, Mexico is bleeding taxpayers, and picking up jobless refugees.

Border patrol would live longer by monitoring cameras on a wall than rummaging around with guns in the underbrush and rocky passes.

By and large it is not Republicans or conservatives throwing rocks and burning cities. And while the extreme left does not speak for the Democratic Party, any vote in that direction provides additional power to some of those proponents, and ideologies.

Joe Biden has consistently criticized and said “I would have done” actions that are 180° different than what Donald Trump has done since he took office. Unless he has been lying the whole time, what would a presidency look like they had done exactly the opposite of what Donald Trump has done. For one thing, the coronavirus would have shut down nothing. Barriers to immigrants would be dropped. And no federal troops would’ve been deployed to stop the burning of these cities. At that rate, would the burning ever have stopped? Where would we be with the coronavirus if we had not closed the borders to China and not shut the economy down?

If your platform for the presidency is based on simply promising that to do the exact opposite of everything the current president has done, has anyone considered what that would look like?

I would feel a lot more comfortable about Joe Biden as president, if he proposed any of his own ideas and had anything more to say than criticism of the current president. If the best he can do is say “I would do that Bernie-thing except I wouldn’t do this or that part of it“ I’m afraid that’s not very avant- guard thinking.

Right now

The only thing standing between statues-and-monuments that have unpalatable histories is Donald Trump. Vietnam was an unjust war. Stone Mountain features slave owners. The Statue of Liberty is a mockery of our current immigration laws. Tear ‘em all down.
Trump: “Nope.”

The only thing between the taxpayer and adding $100 trillion+ to a budget that is *already* largely on credit, is Donald Trump. He has no intention of weatherstripping 4 million buildings. He would be much more likely to reduce a college’s costs (to reduce or eliminate the need for tuition), then to write checks to backpack-wearing-stone-throwing kids.

He doesn’t hate gay people (although that lie serves a particular agenda to say so). Looking into that more closely: He wants federal regulation lifted so the individual states; like Texas, and California, can handle it for their constituency.

I am only guessing that he feels that the pro-life issue should be state-regulated, too. Not federally. So you can say that he is trying to illegalize abortion while pro-lifers say he doesn’t care about babies. But he’s really just trying to push that whole issue into the State’s lap. Because for example; California and Texas would do things very differently and probably be happier.

Trump is right to want to eliminate ObamaCare and replace it with something that makes the insurance companies toe the line. During ObamaCare, in 2017, United Healthcare turned in *profits* greater than Apple and Microsoft combined.

I’m a little worried about casting a vote for Joe Biden because I think he is mentally weak. In the debate the only things he was able to articulate were criticisms of the president, leading each jab with “this guy“ which is just embarrassing, and even getting flustered and calling the leader of the known world a “clown”. It’s too bad that you could expect that from Trump. But with Biden‘s mental fragility, and calling opponents ‘clowns’ could we really expect him to keep it together when arguing with the leader of a Middle Eastern country? How does it go with North Korea?

Like it or not, Trump made friends with North Korea. Why does everyone miss “Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.” Or, “You attract more bees with honey than you do with vinegar.”

Biden says Trump did it wrong. Would he really have “put Kim Jong Un in his place”?

Do you think “The apple falls far from the tree“ when you look at all the things Hunter Biden has gotten himself involved in? If even half of that stuff is true, where did he learn those political wrangling‘s?

Trump was inadequate to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The only way Joe Biden would’ve done better is by listening to Dr. Fauci. Would this have turned out any better? Trumps heart was in the right place trying to send stimulus checks to people and marshaling millions of ventilators and masks to hospitals. If somehow he had kept his mouth shut, there wouldn’t be a lot of stones left to throw at him.

We may not like Trumps stance on immigration but just know, that if we got a Democratic president, the barriers would be gone and the mouths to feed would spiral into the millions. It’s a hard truth that we can’t feed the whole World’s refugees on American soil with American dollars.

Donald Trump is right when he expects our allies to contribute to the cost of their protection and security provided by America. Why *not* put a couple gallons of gas in the Jets protecting your air space?

If they had just left him alone, Trump could’ve gotten Mexico to pay for the wall. It’s true. The Mexican government is understandably unhappy at losing so many expatriates, and even more unhappy taking care of thousands upon thousands of Central American refugees cutting through Mexico while they wait to go across. If there was no prize at the end, they would not be cutting through Mexico from Central America. Right now, Mexico is bleeding taxpayers, and picking up jobless refugees.

Border patrol would live longer by monitoring cameras on a wall than rummaging around with guns in the underbrush and rocky passes.

By and large it is not Republicans or conservatives throwing rocks and burning cities. And while the extreme left does not speak for the Democratic Party, any vote in that direction provides additional power to some of those proponents, and ideologies.

Joe Biden has consistently criticized and said “I would have done” actions that are 180° different than what Donald Trump has done since he took office. Unless he has been lying the whole time, what would a presidency look like they had done exactly the opposite of what Donald Trump has done. For one thing, the coronavirus would have shut down nothing. Barriers to immigrants would be dropped. And no federal troops would’ve been deployed to stop the burning of these cities. At that rate, would the burning ever have stopped? Where would we be with the coronavirus if we had not closed the borders to China and not shut the economy down?

If your platform for the presidency is based on simply promising that to do the exact opposite of everything the current president has done, has anyone considered what that would look like?

I would feel a lot more comfortable about Joe Biden as president, if he proposed any of his own ideas and had anything more to say than criticism of the current president. If the best he can do is say “I would do that Bernie-thing except I wouldn’t do this or that part of it“ I’m afraid that’s not very avant- guard thinking.

Author: admin