Row Your Boat Gently Down the Stream

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily! For life is but A Dream.
The above simple child’s rhyme so succinctly reminds us that you do have to put up some effort, while gently suggesting that no matter how hard one might row, we’re not going to (nor are we supposed to) row upstream. So there’s a ‘Flow’ to accept. Rowing “gently” instead of speedily allows us to enjoy what life has to offer *and* rowing gently (compassionately) also permits harmony with each other.
Merrily? What is life for if not merriment? On your deathbed, will you recall all the work you did, or the obligations you never got around to keeping? No, you will remember life’s merriment and every instance of love you’ve received. Love’s the marrow of our existence.
Finally, as physicists struggle with basic issues like why atoms have no mass and molecules suddenly have mass; persons seeking enlightenment realize that the “idea” of existence is just that. An idea. A Divine idea of which we as individuals are but a small splinter.

Author: admin