So Sad – Alien Immigration is Still Possible, So They Try.

Trump gets the blame for fatalities among people attempting to make landfall in America. Illegally. And they attempt it because there’s a pay off.

The refugees attempt it (at their peril) because they CAN succeed. More often than not.

Sure it’s hard to get in legally. It needs to be. That’s because US dollars to support Mexican / Salvadorean, Ecuadoran, etc immigrants are NOT limitless in a Republican budget. For some reason, in a Democratic budget, unlimited money can just be printed. Why didn’t America elect a Democrat who could print more money for all of us? (Why are the Republicans so stingy?) Honestly, with a Democrat President, none of us would have to work at all because (as I have been assured by my Liberal friends), they could simply print a fair salary for all of us.

And immigrants are having to wait in Mexico to get in. (There’s an excellent reason for that*)

If we had built the wall, (you have to try and picture it) there would be a “No Man’s Land” of wide open (200 yards wide) desert with the Wall in the center strip; that could be surveilled from the air, with a guardpost every 10 miles. The border patrol would never be more than 5 miles from refugees trying to get through the wall. There would be no ‘cover’ for bad guys to hide in, from which to kill Border Patrol officers who have responded to their ingress.

There’d be no getting in.

If Mexico carries the burden of these refugees, they will assist the US in limiting the passage of immigrants through their country. This was the reason Trump thought that Mexico would help build the wall.

Refugees would stop cutting through Mexico. They’d stop hiring Coyotes and being killed in the underbrush. They’d stop dropping into the Social Services programs of border states. Border Patrol would stop dying. Refugees would stop trying, and dying.

Trump is trying to make the immigrants wait in Mexico for their admittance because he needs Mexico to have “skin in the game” for this immigration thing. If Mexico carries the burden of these refugees, they will assist the US in limiting the passage of immigrants through their country. This was the reason Trump thought that Mexico would help build the wall. Mexico bears the expense and liability of these migrants for 1,500 miles of country til they’re “out of their hair”.

With a wall, Mexico wouldn’t see refugees cutting through anymore, because there’d be nothing to attempt.

Author: admin