Texan spend, or just offend?

Tax and spend, or just offend?

I’m going to settle for being offended, rather than being taxed to personal, and national, bankruptcy with a $150 trillion free college, free healthcare spending plan.. <br>

Donald Trump hurts peoples feelings. I absolutely get it. But whether a person is polite, should not form the basis of a system of government. Actions speak louder than words, and, if President Trump would just, shut, up!  He’s actually done a pretty – OK job. <br>

But, every time he opens his mouth he says some thing that is grandiose, offensive, and sometimes delusional.


So, almost exclusively because of that, people are trying to put Joe Biden in office, without playing the tape all the way to the end and realizing that they are giving power to those rock-lobbing community college free-loaders. And, that one-man US government roadblock we call Nancy Pelosi and her flagrant “pork barrel politics“.)


Biden is the presidential candidate threatening to pack the Supreme Court just to make room for Democrats? Is he 12 years old or something? We want this man as president? How stupid does he think Americans are, to believe that the Democrats would not be appointing a Supreme Court if they had the opportunity? That somehow a democrat-administration would wait until after some election to appoint a supreme court justice? Face it, the Democratic candidate is a hypocrite.


Nancy Pelosi, confirmed alcoholic, and exhibiting symptoms of dementia at this point, is so bratty that she’s going to try to pull up the 25th amendment and have President Trump removed because he had Covid? She’s not even trying to conceal the devious and underhanded way that she is trying to manipulate the government using her position.


A vote for Biden is a death knell for our countries historical monuments. If the Left  takes down a statue because it seems to glorify something which was historically distasteful, what kind of hypocrite allows those subjects to be taught in a classroom directly to the students? At least there’s a chance that a liberal arts student won’t see the Vietnam Memorial. (But just to be sure, let’s take it down, right?)


Where was the playbook for a Covid pandemic when Donald Trump was muddling through it? …and HOW, for some reason always one month LATER, did Joe Biden know exactly what to do? Is that genius, or hindsight? 


Has Joe Biden had a single original thought that he did not borrow from Obama, Bernie Sanders, or simply the opposite of whatever Donald Trump was doing?


Does anyone actually believe that that white-haired old man isn’t racist, after all the things he actually said?


You have to admit that Joe Biden’s administration is going to be very good for people who want something for nothing, but it’s going to be very bad for the people that don’t want to pay for it. The people with jobs and businesses.


And I will feel a certain obligation, if Biden wins, to put a sign on my truck that says “Not my president“ and start undermining the success of America as hard as I possibly can, just like the way the whiny little snowflakes did while Trump was president.  


To be honest, I couldn’t do that. I’m old enough to have seen a lot of what ELSE the world has for various governments, so I still believe in America, while far left community college students with backpacks and Starbucks gift cards burn flags, tear down statues, and then hold their hand out for free college. 


Fuck them. Vote Trump.

Author: admin