The Wall Isn’t For Trump

Coyotes are littering northern Mexico with waylaid bodies and their business grows annually. Thousands of sad lives lost to shallow graves or sex trafficking.
While it’s still possible to enter the US; the Trip is worth it to Ecuadoran refugees, so they try, but with a Wall = not worth it. Refugees stop signing on with the Coyotes, business for Coyotes declines.
Undocumented aliens is a burden on the resources in border states = Non taxpaying health and education participants..
If you commit a crime in the US, bad guys know to high-tail-it to Mexico.
If you commit a crime in Mexico, you just go to the US. …With a Wall = not-so-much.
Cost of wall is a tiny percentage of the budget battle. < 1 % tops. Do the math. A couple billion as a percentage of 1.2 trillion. A Wall with its flat and well lit (motion triggered), “no-cover” no man’s land on either side = safer and 1000x more effective for border patrol. Wall is a thin tall metal thing with 100 exposed yards on both sides. Drone or camera surveillance every 10 miles. Border patrol can be on intruders in less than 10 minutes. Without meeting 15 guys with automatic weapons in the underbrush. Which is a scenario encountered when a drug cartel is exporting a lieutenant to the US for work. The Wall: Chainlink and barbed wire, then 100 yards of exposure, the lit Wall (motion activated) then another 100 yards of exposure, then chainlink and barbed wire. The wall may be sheet metal 2-3x as thick as dumpster steel or even concrete the first 15ft up. Then 1/8” thick to 32 feet. (Ladder or rope prohibitive) Why would Mexico help put it up? Because as long as their northern border is attractive, (literally “attract”-ive) to the refugees from Central America, those transients are *Mexico’s* problem for 1,040 miles of the trip through their back yard. And our press boils all the sticky-bits about the whole issue down to a hostile and costly plan hatched by their arch-enemy Donald Trump. Obama was among the first to discuss a walled border although more quietly. I hardly see how it benefits or centers on Trump’s personal wishes at all! This should be ANY humanitarian’s wish.

Author: admin