Time, Washington Post, New York Times and other rags

When a newspaper decides to go in the direction of sensationalism or yellow journalism, who’s fault is that? Is it the writers? Is it the editors? Is it the owners? I am so sad to see two publications that were once regarded by me and my family to be good news sources for world class reporting turn into rags: Time magazine and the New York Times. What is The deal with these two publications and their blatant campaign to misinform about Donald Trump? They’re reporting is more trite than national Inquirer and the grocery store checkout rags combined. Which is especially funny for the New York Times because I thought that New York was probably a red state and would be a Trump supporter. I wonder why we cannot all agree that, sure, Donald Trump is lacking in tact, and impulse control, and he is from a time and socioeconomic class that has less than ample respect for folks other than white males, and just accept the fact that he is getting things done on behalf of America in general?

Author: admin